

Southwest Wyoming has a high-desert climate that resulted from a playa, or ancient lake. 这个湖在几千年前就消退干涸了, 留下了由砂岩和页岩侵蚀形成的土壤. Although few green things grow willingly in Sweetwater County besides sagebrush and prairie grass, such a setting made conditions ripe for the natural phenomena of stunning rock formations.

许多探险家, topographical engineers and geological enthusiasts have visited Sweetwater County to view the awe-inspiring rock formations, 从东西方向穿过斯威特沃特县, 惊叹于千古风雨形成的地貌. 计划你下次去斯威特沃特县的旅行 惊叹于大自然母亲的杰作. To help you explore the breathtaking rock formations found throughout the county, 我们编制了一份游览该地区六大地质奇观的指南.




石头城堡 is the most formidable geological landmark in Sweetwater County. 城堡岩俯瞰城市 绿河 它位于市中心附近. This rock formation has been called many different names through the years including Citadel, 印第安头岩和绿河丘. 城堡岩由水平地层组成, and many of the layers of rock are rich with fossilized fish and plants, a testimony to the vast lake that used to encompass most of the region.


在80号州际公路上的绿河镇上空. 石头城堡 can also be reached by hiking up the north end of 3rd West Street in 绿河.



的栅栏 rock formation in Sweetwater County is deeply engrained in the history of the county; from Native Americans using the area to cross the 绿河 during low water and finding excellent protection via the formation from the elements to trappers and traders during the days of the American Fur Company in the early 19th 在旅行中使用帕利塞德作为参考点. 的栅栏 are also a popular subject for painters and photographers, the rock formation was most notably depicted by famous artist Thomas Moran, 在他的画作《博彩平台大全》中.”






关卡的岩石 was so named because of the number of tolls collected at its location. 故事不同, but one of the most often told tales is that early-day Mormons cut a road through a natural gate on the south side of the rock. A chain was installed and a fee charged to those who wanted to use the road. Sweetwater County records do show that a toll was assessed many times over the years for use of the road or for a ferry on the river. 关卡的岩石 climbs to 6,440 feet above sea level, and is a sight not to be missed.



Wild horses seen in front of 飞行员孤峰 rock formation in Wyoming



飞行员孤峰 dominates the surrounding landscape and is the second highest point in the immediate regions, 站在7点,949英尺高.  由于它的大小,飞行员丘,位于顶部 白色的山, has been used as a landmark since the first people came to the region. Native Americans used it to find camping and hunting grounds as well as rivers and streams. Today, it is still used by stock men, pilots and hunters to orient themselves in the area. 山顶可以徒步旅行,所以一定要穿合适的鞋子. The climb to the summit allows a breathtaking, panoramic view for miles. 


飞行员丘直接位于白山之巅. 白山就在石泉的北边. 从石泉,把你带走.S. 号高速公路. 向北191公里10公里.5英里 and turn left at the "Wild Horse Loop" signs (County Road 53) and follow that route across the mountain. There is a road off the "Wild Horse Loop" (County Road 53), follow that road left towards the butte. 要查看该地区的地图, 点击这里.




接吻石悬浮在时间和空间中. 取决于移动的方向, the two rock formations appear to come together in a kiss or pull away from a just-completed kiss. Native Americans believed the spirits of two doomed lovers from opposing tribes inhabited the rocks and would spend eternity just out of each others’ reach. 这个古老神话的现代版本, rival teams who come to play against 绿河 teams don’t look at the rocks because legend says that doing so will cause the visitors to lose.






Boar's Tusk, the core of an ancient volcano, rises straight out of the ground and guards the 沙丘野地.  站在400英尺高, it is a striking feature in the middle of the desert and prominent landmark on the Overland Emigrant Trail. 还有怀俄明州东北部的魔鬼塔, 这是该州仅有的两个这样的地质特征之一, 这一自然景观不容错过. 野猪牙 also has great religious importance to Native Americans from the region.

要去野猪的獠牙,建议乘坐四轮驱动的汽车. 野猪牙 is a popular spot for photographers looking for the perfect snapshot of an iconic attraction. Come see one of Wyoming’s most prominent and exotic geological features.


从石泉出发,沿着U.S. 191. 在石泉镇以北大约10英里处, turn right at Sweetwater County Road 4-18 (at sign that reads Petroglyphs, 沙丘, 野猪牙),并在中转站4-17号(三直道)左转.

免责声明: 这是一个真正的“离网体验”手机服务是有限的! 确保你有额外的水, 和高清除率, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. 让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来.




Kaleidoscopic buttes and rugged badlands are a stunning sight to see when you visit the 甜水县的蜂窝丘. Located in Wyoming's Northern Red Desert along the rim of the Great Divide Basin, 在石泉市以北50英里处, the Honeycomb Buttes were named for the numerous mud caves found here. The area is great for backcountry recreation including backpacking, 骑马, 观看野生动物, 摄影及更多. 进入该区域需要一辆四轮驱动车, high-clearance vehicle and good navigational skills as many of the roads are unnamed.


从石泉出发,沿着U.S. 191号公路向法尔森方向行驶约36英里. 右转进入wy - 28e向着陆器方向. Turn right on County Road 445 before the South Pass Rest Area and follow the road for 11.5英里. 沿路停车, and travel east along a two-track route toward the 蜂窝山丘 wilderness study area. View a map of the Red Desert created by the Wyoming Outdoor Council or 联系土地管理局石泉区办公室 了解更多信息.

免责声明: 这是一个真正的“离网体验”手机服务是有限的! 确保你有额外的水, 和高清除率, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. 让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来.